Who are we?
Unity Spiritual Life Center (Unity SLC) is a dynamic mixture of individuals who are dedicated to living the unlimited possibilities of Spirit. As a result, we are a vibrant, thriving and growing spiritual community.
Unity SLC is an educational ministry that seeks to discern and express the spiritual truth taught and demonstrated by Jesus and share those insights with others. In addition to our Sunday Celebration Service, we offer a wide variety of spiritually based classes. Unity’s Spiritual Education and Enrichment Program forms the framework for most of these classes. We also provide space for other educational spiritual traditions that share similar points of view.
Community Centered
If you spend any amount of time at Unity SLC, you will quickly notice an openness that exists in few other places. We celebrate that openness and the Living Spirit that expresses Itself through us as we do. As a result we have a number of activities that seek to bring people together in community.
Promote Prayer
We believe prayer is the most powerful force in the universe. The Unity Movement was built on prayer and the “miracles” resulting from it. Prayer does not change God’s mind about us, it changes our mind about God. We have several teams set up to pray with you. Our Prayer Chaplains have had special training in Unity’s unique and powerful prayer process.
Practice the Way of Peace
In a world seemingly gone mad, we believe Jesus taught and demonstrated the ways to achieve peace. He did not demand others lay down their angry words, rather responded with non-judgment, forgiveness and love. He provided a framework to create lasting peace. It is time we put these teachings to work, first in our own lives, so they will then ripple out into the world. Unity World Wide shares these words, “Unity stands for peace in the presence of conflict, love in the presence of hatred, forgiveness in the presence of injury.”
Our Youth & Family Ministry
Our children are such an important part of our lives, and we want only the best for them. We see our children as sacred, and we are committed to teaching our children Unity’s spiritual principles. We behold all children as whole and perfect expressions of God. We teach them to pray, meditate, and follow their inner guidance. We provide a safe, fun environment where children can experience their Oneness in God; as they create a spiritual foundation for life.
Ways To Be Involved!
We have a variety of Volunteer Opportunities that will help you feel like you are a part of Unity SLC. Please pick up an individualized brochure that explains how a volunteer team works. Or, ask someone how you might become part of a team to help our community flourish.