Sip the Living Waters – Please Spread the Word

The Time is now!  Sip the Living Waters!  – SEE - The Foundation of Unity Prayer -

Please Spread the Word

The Time is Now the Kingdom of Heaven is within our grasp, turn to It by engaging Unity’s powerful prayer process.  With all the craziness going on in the world and being reported in the news, what we need more than anything else is Prayer!  Unity has a unique and powerful Prayer Process and by learning how to engage this process and the creative energy of life, we can transform the world! Yes, I am, We Are, Powerful Creative Spiritual Beings and it’s time we recall our creative power, through our thoughts, Words and Action, directing It in a way of our conscious choosing. So turn to the Kingdom and transform your thought by learning about Unity’s Prayer process in Unity’s Online SEE Classes will begin again in the spring look for the dates.  I am facilitating a Class Series titled Unity Prayer, which is about the foundations of Unity very Powerful Prayer Process.  It will be on Monday or Tuesday nights at 7 pm central time  and ... For more information this link will tell you all about Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institutes s program.

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Please, please, please pass this information on to people you might know and might be interested in Unity’s Educational Programs.  Especially if you would like to step into next dimension of awareness, leaving all the craziness of the mortal mind beyond. The time is now, to Sip the Living Waters.


Namaste – I see the Light and wonder in You!

Rev. Doc. Patrick