Unity Bookstore Book Review How I used Truth By Emilie Cady

Unity Bookstore Book Review

How I used Truth   By   Emilie Cady


 Emilie Cady's book, How I Used Truth, is an instructional  and informative guide that provides practical methods on the use of universal principles. These principles are well outlined in Cady's first book Lessons in Truth. In How I Used Truth,

Cady discusses various ways to find the Spirit of Christ within ourselves through realization that the same Spirit of  God that was in Jesus is also within us. 


Cady addresses the concept of condemnation, especially condemnation of the beliefs of others. She encourages us to lift them up with compassion and to understand that everyone is on their own sacred path. Cady encourages us to work with these others rather than criticize or condemn. Cady also presents good arguments against proselytizing and judging the motives of others. 


A further discussion involves developing a greater sense of abundance and plenty. The Universal Spirit that dwells within is not only the provider of all plenty and abundance but is in reality the substance of the plenty. The giver and the gift are one and the same.


Cady discusses the benefits of trusting and resting in Spirit. When we attempt to rush or mold the results of our prayer work, we essentially take into our own hands that which is God's to do. As soon as we become anxious, the things we are hoping to manifest are shut out. 


This book is a great guide for deep spiritual development but will take some time, attention, concentration and diligence. You will want to take time to absorb the concepts fully as you go along, and I do not recommend a quick read but a slow simmer instead. The book is packed with discussion of deep spiritual principles. 


Enjoy the read, and let me know what you think!

Namaste, Dana Martin

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Light from the minister’s Lamp

By Alice Myles Cronley July of 1952


Now, in the light of God’s love open your mind and heart for His benediction.  Whoever you are; wherever you are, “be still, dear one, still your soul.” Listen to closely for God’s word that comes to you in the stillness and you will know the truth.   In knowing the truth, you will know the right path in which to travel.   If you are not right the Spirit of the Lord will deliver you and help you get aback on the highway that lead you into the kingdom of God, the kingdom of Good!


Now, in the light of God’s love open your life and all your affairs to His holy benediction.  What appears out of focus will be brought into harmony, and “all will be made perfect.” Now, in the light of God’s love arouse your spiritual nature, where you take on a new character.  Now, in the light of Gods’ love be a radiating center of God’s love!  You, whoever you are or wherever you are, have my sincere, faithful, and loving prayer.  From this moment forth you are bathed in the light of God’s love.  So let it be, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Thank you, Father!