Minister's Letter for March 2025
Time To Call into Action Spiritualized Strength
The weather with all the ups and downs over the past couple of weeks has been very intriguing! Combined with the craziness happening in our world and the many challenging things I have been faced with in my own life, I believe it is time to call into action Spiritualized Strength!
Yes, Spiritualized Strength, is a theme for the month of March. When I think of Spiritualized Strength, I think of the opening verse of the Bible, which in Unity is a metaphorical and metaphysical outline for our spiritual journey. Genesis 1 begins, “In the beginning when ‘Elohim – The Divine One,’ created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind swept over the face of the Waters. Then Elohim said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.” Charles Fillmore pointed out, this is the place the creative process starts! “Just as God created the world and everything in it out of the chaos and darkness, so too we must embrace the chaos and learn to feel the energies that are there, and shape them to create a reality of our choosing.”
How the heck do we do that? By remembering to pause, take a deep breath in and engage the spiritual faculty of strength! Unity places the spiritual faculty of strength at the base of the spinal column, which is a center point of both the physical and the spiritual bodies; as well as a center point on our neural net (Our Energy Body). When we remember to pause, take a deep breath in and focus on this centering point, it empowers us to stand at the center of the swirling winds of creativity, engage our faculty of faith, and then ask for guidance into what our next step might be.
Now, I might point out when Jesus emerged out of the Wilderness and began his ministry, the first thing he did as he was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, was to call his 12 disciples. In Unity’s teachings on the Twelves Powers, the disciples metaphysically represent our twelve spiritual faculties. The first two disciples to be called were Andrew and Peter, who represent strength and faith. So metaphysically as we are walking along the shore of Infinite Possibilities (The Sea of Galilee), and what might appear to be the chaos, we need to engage our faculties of strength and faith. Strength empowers us to stand at the center of the swirling winds of creativity, so that we might engage faith, looking beyond the appearance of what might be and then engage our faculties of spiritual discernment and love. Only then might we have some understanding as to what we are to do next.
As we learn to do this, pause, take a deep breath in, and engage spiritualized strength, we will be empowered to step away from the battles we often find ourselves in, defending our position and what we want to happen (like politicians and corporate CEO’s). Then we will be empowered to reveal a solution that is in our best interest and perhaps the highest good of all. Oh my, the swirling winds of chaos and creativity are so exciting and thrilling! But walking in the light and guidance of the Divine can be so much more fulfilling and much more can be completed. Just as Jesus demonstrated, both literally and metaphysically, by sharing his message with the 12, then the rest of Israeli, and now with the world.
What would happen if you were to call into action Spiritualized Strength, and were able to let go of all the monkey mind chatter happening in the world? Two methods I use to practice engaging spiritualized strength are the Hara Alignment and the 12 Power Meditation. But then that is for another day, in Being the Way.
Namaste, I see the light in You
RevDoc Patrick