Strength Is The Energy of the Divine
Disciple: Andrew
Location: Base of Spinal column
Color: Light Green
Strength – is the faculty of steadfastness, dependability, stability, and our capacity for endurance. It is not merely a physical endowment, but rather a degree of spiritual awareness. It is not a force, manipulation, or defensiveness. It is spiritual courage and confidence. Nonresistance is its highest expression. Nonresistance does not mean non-action; it is an effective, calm, single minded God-centered attitude of mind. Metaphysics 2
Strength is the energy of God. In man it causes freedom from weakness; stability of character; power to withstand temptation; capacity to accomplish. Strength is physical, mental, and spiritual. All strength originates in Spirit. Strength and faith are brothers in the mind. When this bond of unity is established it carries one along, even though one may encounter the most adverse experiences.
Dynamic for Living & Revealing Word
The realization of the Christ presence as sustaining strength is a stronghold in consciousness that fortifies us against all adverse conditions. Nothing so uplifts, nothing so frees from care and worry, nothing so brings the thought of victory as being established in that sustaining strength which cannot know weakness. To have the strength of character that makes life seem effortless, nonresistant, is to have the inward joy that no one can take away.
Christ Enthroned.
Strength is freedom from weakness; stability of character, power to withstand temptation. It is the force or power to do, capacity to accomplish. Strength originates in Spirit; the thought and the word spiritually expressed bring the manifestation. Supreme strength as demonstrated by Jesus can be attained by one who trusts in Spirit and conserves his vital substance. The strength of Spirit is necessary to the perpetuation of soul and body and to the overcoming of death.
Keep a True Lent
The essence of strength is found in the spiritual plane; it is the realization that there is a divine power in this universe that surrounds and enfolds us, protects us and guides. The real body of God is a living body, our body, and above all it is a beautiful a temple, in which God himself resides. And the light, and love, and wisdom of God flows through this temple; spiritual strength is being able to still our mind in the shelter of the most-high to renew ourselves and to listen to the inner promptings of Spirit and then takes the appropriate action. In this manner the supreme strength Jesus demonstrated, can be attained by anyone one who exercises this deep trust in the ways Spirit RevDoc. Patrick
Affirmations For the Faculty of Strength
I am a radiant Expression of God’s Living Energy moving in the World
I am centered in awareness of the Swirling winds of Creativity.
I am a magnet of Goodness and wonder!
I am one with the Living Energy and Empowered to Direct It’s energy!
This Ministry and all we do is solely supported by individuals like you, whom it serves, and by other freely given gifts of the Universe. God Bless you for your Support! Thank you! You Are Amazing