Imagine That!
Imagine That! One of the themes for the month of May is normally the Power of our Spoken Word, the Power of Power! But wh
en we watched that old movie The Secret, it placed a focus on the creative energy of our imagination, and I was inspired to do a Treasure Mapping Exercise this coming Sunday! Then I watched one post on Facebook and the internet, after another, after another and I realized, (I spiritually discerned) that this month I should focus on the Power of our Imagination. Can you image that? Well, yes I can!
Intriguing idea to discuss the Power of Imagination, before discussing the Power of our Spoken Word! And if that idea upsets you, you better watch how and where you are directing the power of your words, and what exactly you might unknowingly be creating! It’s like the recent post I saw on Facebook, by a whacko Unity minister, who was upset about a recent proposed piece of legislation by the current president, that would restrict each person in the United States to eating just one hamburger a month! This legislation if it would be and could be enacted, would do away with climate change and empower us to feed everyone on the planet. This crazy Unity Minister went on and on about how, no one could take away his right to eat whatever he wanted, especially his hamburgers and his beef! And climate be…. This individual definitely didn’t know how Charles Fillmore felt about eating meat, nor did he have any understanding of my understanding of what eating lots and lots of hamburgers would do to his body. Well back to the point, an uncontrolled and unintentionally focused imagination, will lead you down a very dark path creating all kinds of illusions and obstacles, that the power of the Spoken Word will just set into action! The truth is no such proposal was included in the legislation he was talking about! But the unfounded statement set off a fire storm of rants that when on for pages! Imagine That!
As I contemplate the Power of the Imagination, I think of Unity Spiritual Life Center’s vision statement: “Our vision for the world: Aligned in peaceful Oneness, we celebrate a joy-filled world co-created in love, harmony, and abundance.” What would that world look like to you? What would your life look and feel like? See it in your mind’s eye, (What some call the third eye, and others the brow)! See what your dream day would look like as you move through it, the people, the places; what would make your heart jump with joy, what perfect images would you be able to hold. Know that as you do, you literally are reaching into the realm of Infinite Possibilities with your imagination and you are shaping and forming the invisible ethers in accordance with the images you are holding in your mind. Which world would you like to live in, one that is filled with joy, wonder, goodness and every thing your heart desires or one where you are in fear of eating only one hamburger a month and all the crazy dialogue that goes with it? Completely up to you and where you decide to place your focus.
Our imagination is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, we just need to set the intention of understanding how to direct the Creative Energy we were designed to be. Yes, as it discusses in the Gospel of John and the Book of Genesis, all things came into being through the Logos, the Creative Energy, and the creative energy was placed within us, and is simply waiting to be directed by our Imagination and the Power of our Spoken Word. In the Creative Process discussed in those two books of the Bible, it is very important to understand that as we are pulled into the Creative Void of controversy and chaos, we need to pause, ask for guidance and understanding and then visualize what it is we would like to see coming forth, what we would like to experience; joy, wonder and goodness, or that other stuff! Hold the vision of your heart’s desire, see it coming into manifestation and then speak the word about what is to be. Then know that Beingness is coming forth.
Namaste I see the Light and Wonder of the Divine in You. RevDoc Patrick