I Fairly Sizzle Minister's Letter for October 2024

Minister's Letter for October 2024butter

I fairly sizzle with Zeal and enthusiasm and leap forth with a mighty faith to do that which is mine to do.  



The above words were spoken by Charles Fillmore at the age of 92.  Papa Charlie was an extraordinary man who allowed little to deter him.  When he would be challenged by a situation he would pause and then turn within and acknowledge the Christ Presence and allow It’s wisdom to ignite his faculty of zeal, and allow the Christ Presence to lead the way with the light and energy of the Divine Flowing through him.  I Fairly Sizzle with Zeal, Papa Charlie’s zeal and enthusiasm on just about any topic would ignite the Spirit within all those around him.  You could definitely say he had a delightfully contagious energy.


You know on Monday mornings, after an always exciting long day at USLC, I normally don’t have a lot of energy.  And today, after the extraordinary weather change over the past day, my energy level was depleted and was not really sure on how I could write an article about zeal and enthusiasm which is the spiritual faculty for the month of October. Then I stood up, looked out into my backyard, and I saw these two amazingly beautiful Blue Jays, chasing each other.  Jumping from branch to branch and then flying in circles after each other, with sun light sparkling off their wings. Then off they went into the sky; and there were two squirrels standing up straight watching them.  Wow, it was, so amazing and all I could say was “Yes, I am radiantly alive glowing with energy, life and wonder!”


You know sometimes, our zeal can lead us down dark paths and to places we don’t want to go or be, like focusing on our depleted levels when we want to be focused on something else.  You know “zeal,” isn’t just when children are filled with energy and bouncing off the walls, or that neighbor down the street who has just discovered a great truth and is out to make sure everyone else discovers it too – including you? Yes, that is zeal, but it is zeal malfunctioning! It is zeal let loose without Wisdom or Understanding, and this type of zeal without Wisdom and understanding consumes us and robs our senses.  Like Thomas Fuller said in 1732, “Zeal is fit only for wise man, but it is most often found in fools.


Charles Fillmore wrote, “Zeal is the mighty force that incites the winds, the tides, the storms; it urges the planet on its course, and spurs the ant to great exertion.  To be without zeal is to be without the zest of living.  Without zeal -- stagnation, inertia, death would prevail throughout our universe. Without zeal a man becomes like an engine without steam or an electric motor without a current.”  And this is what can happen to us – If we do not remember to recharge and harmonize the faculty of zeal.  We feel overloaded and overwhelmed and we want to shout at the universe.


The Bible had a special name for such people; “stiff necked.” One example Acts 7:51 “You stiff neck…in heart and mind, you always resist Spirit, just as your father’s did.”  Not only do these stiff-necked people feel their idea was the only one, they are unable to hear or understand other ideas which leads to times of challenge.  Well, Pappa Charlie placed the spiritual faculty of zeal in the medulla; that is the base of the head and the top and back of the neck. Those two soft spots, where the neck and skull come together.  When you feel like you are being overwhelmed, rub those two spots, lightly and affirm.  I am one with Divine Life and I fairly sizzle with Zeal and enthusiasm and I am leaping forth to do what is mine to do. Or maybe you can say a phrase you might often hear. I am radiantly Alive glowing with energy life and wisdom! Wow


Namaste, I see life an energy of the Divine Expressing in You,

RevDoc Patrick
