I am in the Flow of the Universe Minister's Letter for September 2024

I am in the Flow of the Universe

Minister's Letter for September 2024butter

I am In The Flow of Universe

and It’s Wisdom guides me in understanding

 what I should do and be!  Wow is It amazing!

And I am opening my awareness to the All of Life!


Dare you to Say It, three times with power and see how it feels!

Divine Order is the theme for the month of September! For a long time, I had a hard time truly understand it!  Now this is one of those things I could say “Yes,” but “No,” but “Maybe,” cause deep down within me I could sense and express it, but my mortal mind just really didn’t want to have anything to do with it.  Yes, at times there seems to be a battle going on between my mortal mind and the promptings of Spirit deep within me.  It is kind of like the motion sickness I experience when traveling, or when I moved too quickly from one place to another and I feel nauseous.  But I can walk across the apex of a roof or run down the rail of a train track without falling and it feels so exhilarating.   How can that be?


In The Revealing Word, Charles Fillmore writes, “Order is the first law of the universe.  Indeed, there could be no universe unless its various parts were kept in perfect order.  The facts of Spirit are of spiritual character and when understood in their right relations, they are orderly.  Orderliness is law, it is the test of true science.”    What! How could that be? Think about that, what does that really mean? Consider our solar system and how the planets, all revolve in a certain order around the sun, while their moons move in synchronicity around each planet. How our moon revolves around Mother Earth, causing what appears to be sunrises and sunsets and moving the ocean tides to splash upon the shores.


With this in mind Unity School once wrote, “Order is the faculty by which we establish harmony, balance, right adjustment, and right sequence of action in our lives.   Order is the one underlying law of manifestation, and when we participate consciously in this process, it empowers us to grow without struggle. Order is the faculty of mind that prompts us to an understanding of the ebbs and flows and right outworking of changing situations and guides us in finding harmony and balance in our life.”          


When I took these two ideas into consideration I thought about how I used to run through the trees in my back yard at full speed, or when I swam in the ocean feeling for the tides and allowing them to lift me into waves that would carry me to shore in a rush of water. As I thought about these teenage experiences, I considered how an awareness of this order and seeking to live in an awareness of It showed up in many of things I do as an adult.  When I cut the grass, or cook a meal, or even go to store to “shop,” when I focus on being in the flow of the moment, how quickly things get done and how I am totally aware of being in the moment and aware of the Life Force within me and all around me.  


Yes, it is an amazing feeling just to be aware of this moment now, but then there are times, when that flow gets interrupted and everything feels out of sync! Oh No, like when some crazy driver cuts you off or pulls over in front of you and slows down, or you get an unexpected phone call or unexpected this or that. That is when we have to remember a big secret, that everything is as it should be! We need to look for the lesson, or perhaps, something new seeking to be revealed; that everything is moving in the right and perfect order. “That it is the test of true science,” and to begin seeking to jump back into the flow that will lead to the traveling on a new road and/or a higher sense of awareness of what is.

Everything occurs in the right and perfect time so, “let go and let God lead the way.


Namaste, I see Divine Order Expressing in You, RevDoc Patrick

