What is God's Will For You Minister's Letter for August 2024

What is God's Will For You

Minister's Letter for August 2024butter


I am immersed in Divine Life!

 It surrounds and enfolds me and

permeates every cell of my being!

And I am opening my awareness to It’s Wisdom!



Dare you to Say It, three times with power and see how it feels!


The Spiritual Faculty for this month is “Will.” So, it will be a theme that runs throughout the month and is incorporated in most everything we do! The Spiritual Faculty of Will is perhaps one the most confusing of all spiritual faculties, and perhaps that confusion is due to the traditional theological teachings around it, and has done the most damage to our world and sometimes to our own life!


Yesterday, in the discussion that followed our watching of the movie The Secret, the question “What is God’s Will for me?” was asked.  It is a question that is often asked at Unity, but often falls in the “void.” One reason it falls into the void, is because it is part of a much larger question about “Who and What God is!” Another reason it falls into the “void,” is because in Unity we believe only you can discern a fuller understanding of what God’s Will is for you! And yet another reason it creates such confusion, is because theologies of the past have used the phrase “God’s Will” to go to war with other countries and theologies; and to invade native cultures around the world and force the natives to believe as they did, if they refused as they often did, they proclaimed it was God’s Will that they be killed.  Thus, this idea of being “God’s Will” has done much damage and created much conflict and violence.


I don’t believe that is what God had in mind! Especially if you read the Bible and let go of the traditional theology you may have been raised in.  In Genesis 2, Je-ho-vah breathes into Adam “the breath of life” and then leads him around this beautiful garden and then warns him not to eat the fruits of Judgement, or he would go live in Nod, the place of afflictions!   In Jeremiah 31:31 the Infinite One wrote a message of love and placed it on your heart! Then that guy called Jesus, came and taught the message of love, light and the creative energy; and that we were to experience Life and have it more abundantly. These are Ideas I talk about quite frequently! I believe that according to these verses and many others, it is God’s will for us that we learn how to use our creative energy and allow it to bring us joy and happiness and everything “our heart desires.”  Yes, I believe and Unity teaches, that God’s Will for you is for you to have everything your heart desires and experience the wonders of the Garden of Eden, which we have never left.  But rather we having chosen, through our very human will to bite into the fruits of judgement and to live in Nod, a place of many illusions.


So where does that leave me, and you? Well, we can choose to rise up and live in an awareness of Heaven’s Presence which Jesus and Siddhartha said was right here, right now, in this moment! Or we can continue to live in the place of illusions with its many afflictions.  It’s Your choice!  If you choose to live in an awareness of Heaven’s Presence and experience the wonders and delights of the Garden of Eden, you have to consciously chose to let go of your ego and all of its rantings and ravings, and just be here now, in this moment.  Then seek to consciously align yourself in an awareness of the Infinite One’s Presence and Wisdom, allowing It to guide you through the wonders of life! If you do this, you will come into deeper and fuller awareness of what God’s Will is for you.  Begin by affirming the above affirmation over and over again, and live in an awareness of wonders and delights of Mother Earth and all of its goodness.


Namaste, I see Love’s Presence in You, RevDoc Patrick

