Sparkling Words of Inspiration, Minister's Letter for February 2025

Minister's Letter for February 2025
Sparkling Words of Inspiration                

1Beloved, since God loved us so much, we ought to love one another. 12No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us, and God’s love is perfected in us. By this we know that we abide in God and God in us, because God has given us of The Breath of life.  God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.  Love is perfected in us in this way.”


The first time I read these verses from the First Letter of John chapter 4, I was just so overwhelmed and just wanted to cry.  I just thought, “How could this be!  If this were true why ever would he have sent his only son, down here to die for us because we were innately sinners! Why!”  These verses from the Bible contradicted everything I had been taught growing up! But since I was in Unity and seeking to understand the dynamics of what I was learning in the courses I was studying, I sought to take the concept being shared in these verses deeper and make them part of me.


Perhaps the first thing I realized, since these verses are really mind bending, is that the writer didn’t believe God was a physical entity living out there beyond the skies somewhere.  But rather was a “Presence” right here with us and all around us. Then there was that word “abide,” which actually has many definitions, but the one that really stuck out in my mind, was to “dwell in.” When I hear this word, it means to me “to be immersed within.” That God is something not a “physical form,” but an energy, a presence that is all around me and flowing through me. “God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.” Then I thought, when I am “loving,” God is living in me and all around me, a Presence that is right here, right now!


As I think that thought, the world stops and I feel this overwhelming “Presence” all around me. Which causes me to think of the Prayer of Protection in a whole different dimension! I feel this Life Force, Love’s Presence in this moment now flowing all around and through me!


When I learned that the Greek word translated as Love, didn’t mean a romantic or sexual relationship, but rather referred to the Field of Oneness in which we live, move and have our being immersed within, it blew my mind.  This Field of Oneness, of Living Energy, connects us with all the life around us at a cellular level. And if we are aware of how to do it, we can tune into the frequency of the other Living Entities. Wow, pause and think about that a moment!


As I type these words, the story of Jesus speaking to the woman at the well in Samaria comes to mind (The writer of the Gospel of John is the same author of this Letter). Jesus says to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. The water I give them will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.” Remembering that Jesus (and John the writer of this Gospel and Letter) spoke in metaphors, the Living Waters they spoke of wasn’t water, but was an awareness of the Life Force – that is God – flowing through us in each moment.  When we live in an awareness of our Oneness of Love’s Presence, of this Living Waters, we are experiencing Eternal Life in this moment now! Nothing else matters and we will be guided to the things we need as we need them. When we abide in Love’s Presence, in an awareness of our Oneness with life, we are connected to the All of life, and an awareness of Love is perfected in us in this way.”

Intriguing that the month of February is dedicated to Living in Awareness of the Spiritual Faculty of Love. The faculty of love is located within the heart, which is the feeling emotional center of our being and can be connected to our wisdom faculty in our solar plexus. When we are empowered to open our heart center and to feel and sense the vibration of life around us, it literally changes everything, including the way we see and experience the world. It’s intriguing when we do this, the opening words from the letter of John take on a whole new meaning. Wow.


Namaste, I see the light in You

RevDoc Patrick


