The Sparkling Light of Christ, Minister's Letter for January 2025


Minister's Letter for January 2025

The Sparkling Light of Christ is flowing out into the world all around us, we only need to awaken to Its Presence! During Christmas Eve Candle Lighting, I stood gazing into the flickering light of the candles spread across our Living Room of the Soul, I was awe struck.  I thought of the stars twinkling across the sky on a clear night! Then my awareness moved back in time a few weeks ago, as I sat gazing from a third-floor balcony on the outer banks of North Carolina at the Moon Light, sparkling on the Ocean’s surface, as the waves came rushing to shore.  Wow, the energy of life, the Sparkling Light of Christ is always all around us and flowing through us! When we pause in this moment now, we can feel and sense this Living Energy moving through us. It Lights us up! I see it when I look into someone’s eyes, I sense it when I touch someone’s shoulders, which opens my awareness to the All of Life, which is all around us all the time.


Now as I make this statement, I must clarify a couple of words we often hear, especially during the Christmas Season, the time the Winter Solstice occurs. The first is the word Christ, which was not Jesus’ last name, nor was it a swear word.  The word Christ was originally a Greek word that comes out of the ancient teaching called the Hermetica, which meant Field of Living Energy.  I believe this understanding of the word is what inspired many of the Apostle Paul’s statements.  Like one of my favorites in the book of Acts, “People will long for God, in fact even grope for God, although God is never very far away from us, for it is in God that we live move and have our being.” Once upon a time the first place the word Christ appeared in the ancient text we call the Bible, was in the writings of Paul.  Paul believed Jesus was the first one to experience this Field of Living Energy that we call God and to demonstrate Its wonder. Wow, God is the Field of Living Energy, that we live, move and have our being immersed within! Can you feel Its Presence, the energy of life flowing through you? Can you see It in the sparkling light of the stars, the sun and the moon?


Now as I ask that question, I probably should clarify another word we often hear, during this time of year, which is Faith! Originally when this word was translated from the ancient text into English, it did not mean belief. If you don’t believe me, check out Hebrews 11.  Faith is a spiritual faculty, and a power within us that can empower us to look beyond the appearances of a thing, beyond our beliefs and what we have been taught, to see the essence of what it truly is. When we engage our faculty of faith, we can look into a dog’s or a cat’s eye and know that it understands what we are saying to them. We can also hold the leaf of a flower and feel the vibration of our voice as we speak kind and loving words to it; then as we walk away, we can see it “brighten up!”


Faith also empowers us, as it did with Paul and Jesus, “to feel and sense” this Field of Living Energy, called the Christ, which is all around us and flowing through us. Just as I felt this Living Energy in the ocean’s waves that came crashing to shore on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I could feel the energy of the moon and sun light flickering on the ocean’s surface. Just as I could feel the Life Force, surrounding us, when we were attending my sister’s Life Celebration Service at a vineyard, in central Virginia at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains and next to a cattle range, as the cows were trying to figure out what we were doing there.  With the spiritual faculty of Faith engaged, I could see the Sparkling Light of Christ all around me, in everyone and in the beauty of the nature all around me! All I can say is wow, it was and is amazing!


Now as I say this, know the Spiritual Faculty of Faith, has amazing properties in and of itself, but it is essential in understanding how the other faculties work and how to engage them. Like the intuition which empowers us to connect consciously with this Field of Living Energy and all the information It contains. Wow, do you dare go there!       

                                  Namaste, I see the light in You

RevDoc Patrick


