Minister's Letter for December 2024, I Am One With LIfe


Minister's Letter for December 2024butter

  I am Radiantly Alive Glowing with energy life and Wonder.

 I Am One with Life; Life Ripples through my whole Being. 


I think it’s intriguing the Spiritual Faculty and Power of Life is the final spiritual faculty discussed when books are written about the Twelve Powers, and when planned out over the year it is the topic shared in December!  Yes, I think it’s intriguing that December, as you know, is the month we celebrate the birth of Jesus, which metaphysically represents the birth of the Christ Child and our awakening to the Christ Presence within and all around us. The ancient Greek word “Christ” is originally found in the writings of the Hermetic, and refers to the Field of Living Energy that the Apostle Paul said, “we live, move and have our being immersed within.  The Spiritual Power of Life and our awakening to the Christ Presence within and all around us are discussed in the same month!  Do you think that is a coincidence? 


When I began to look through the cliff notes about the Spiritual Faculty of Life, I realized that it was no coincidence at all.  First is the realization that we need to be open and receptive to what the other Spiritual Faculties are and learn how to activate and engage them, so that our awareness can open up to the Faculty and Power we call Life.  One of my mentors, Ed Rabel, said “Life is the faculty of vitality, wholeness, and creativity. It is the expression of the pure eternal life of the Divine moving in and through us. Life is the energy that propels all forms into actions.”  As you pause in this moment now and breathe in the gift of life can you feel, the Sacred Energy of Divine Life flowing throughout your whole being? This is what it means to awaken to the Christ Presence within and all around us!  This is what the joy of the Christmas Season is really supposed to be about, feeling the Christ Presence, the Living Energy Flowing through us. And when you can Feel It, and are Aware of this Presence, it will light you up, like all the Christmas Lights you see.  Wow! 


Charles Fillmore writes in his book Prosperity, “Life in humankind is this increasing consciousness of this inner activities, and the forces and movements in the world all around us.  It is a power to express the eternal activity of the Divine.” What would happen if we understood how to live in awareness of this Life Force flowing though us and knew how to direct It?


Awareness is key to experiencing the wonder and “the electricity” of the Life. Yes, and we can direct this Electricity of Life through our thoughts, words, and silently unspoken beliefs by entering into an awareness of It; then directing and releasing this unlimited energy that is pent up in the atoms of our body, in any direction we choose! When we feel tired, run down, discouraged, it is the time to call the spiritual faculty of life into action.  The power to resurrect this Life Energy is not a supernatural one.  In each cell, each atom of your body is “life,” substance and intelligence.  As we speak words of life each cell responds.  We are charging the cells of our body with life; they are receptive and always listening to everything we say and think.  You will be astounded at the response the cells of your body, lighting you up with energy and life and wonder. You might even want to start singing and dancing happy Christmas Songs!  


The life faculty is the most subtle and variable of all the spiritual powers.    The pure life of the Divine flows into our awareness through the idea of the spiritual body.  Only those who have an awareness of the spiritual body idea can feel this sacred stream of life flowing.  “Its nature is to vivify with perpetual life all that it touches,” and we can quicken this Living Energy, by directing our thoughts and words upon it and see it flowing stirring, moving and glowing.


I See the Living Energy the glowing and flowing through you.   


RevDoc Patrick


