I release It, I Let It Go, Minister's Letter for November 2024

 Minister's Letter for November 2024butter

I release It, I Let It Go, so I can jump into the flow of wonder and delight. I Am Thankful So Grateful for what is. 


November is such a curious time of year!  Especially when you consider the metaphor and the metaphysical meaning inherently within the season of fall and the Spiritual Faculty of Elimination, which the Fillmore’s traditionally celebrated in November.  Being the child of an Army General, and experiencing the side effects of the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and the vivid memories of hiding under a school desk during Atomic Bomb Drills, the word “Elimination” pushes buttons in me. So, when it comes to talking about the Spiritual Faculty of Elimination, I choose to use the words, “I release and I let go!” Which is actually the title of a song written and sung by Rickie Byars.


Now, that I have completely strayed off the mark, I can release it and let it go and jump into the flow of what I really want to focus on.  November can be such a beautiful time of year, as the leaves turn yellow, brown and orange and fall to the ground! The sun sparkles against the blue skies and the water in lakes. Traditionally, just as the Fillmore’s did, November was, and is, a time to celebrate the harvest and life’s goodness, as we bunker down for winter! As we do, we can welcome the wonder and goodness of the New Year and the beauty of Spring.  A key ingredient in this cycle of life and its seasons, is the release by Mother Nature and Her letting go of all the leaves and colors of nature, so that we can experience Its re-birth, come spring. Yes, in order to experience the wonders and delights of Spring and the New Year, Mother Nature must release and let go of all that is, so we can experience “What Is” and “What Might Be!”


Yes, a key ingredient, in our experiencing the wonder and goodness “Mother Nature” has to share with us, is releasing and letting go of what was, so we can experience, “What Is” and “What Might Be!”


Don’t you just hate that! Don’t you just want to hang onto it all: all the beauty, all the goodness and all the things just as you want them to be? As you read these words, do you feel the tension building up in you? This feeling reminds me of those moment to during the Atomic Bomb Drills and hiding under my school desk; and I don’t like it! Well, we just got to release it and let it go, allow Spirit, the sacred breath of life, to flow, opening our hearts to what might be.


Well, this idea is a key ingredient in understanding the intriguing adventure of blending the wonders and goodness of the Thanksgiving Holiday, and engaging the Spiritual Faculty of Elimination! Yes, in order to experience all the wonders and goodness of this moment now, we have to release what was (it), so we can experience the wonders of what can be.  For our mortal minds (our ego), this can be a very difficult paradox, because it says, “I like this moment now so much and want to experience it forever.”  And the moment we fall into this trap, it is gone because the world, Mother Nature and life is in a constant state of motion. This has become a huge problem for Human Kind, because when we find something we really like, we want to have it stay exactly the way it is! But others might like it a different way and have different perspective. This leads to conflict, hurt and pain; just look at what is going on in the world today. Life is filled with ups and downs as the “seasons” change.  So, to experience the wonders of life we must learn to pause in this moment now, experience all of its wonders, then jump into Its flow! When it is gone (we still have the memories), we need to sing, I release and I let go, I let Spirit run my life, and my heart is open wide!” Then say guide me dear lord, lead me to wonders and goodness of life, as we open the inner eye of Spirit.  Then remember to take time to celebrate and give thanks for all the goodness there is and was. 

Namaste, I see life an energy of the Divine Expressing in You,

RevDoc Patrick

