Prayer Chaplain Corner

Prayer Chaplain Corner


A line from one of Rev. Doc. Patrick’s favorite prayers has been resonating through my head the past few weeks: “God and I are One, not two.” What an empowering statement of truth! In fact, it’s a Superpower that we all share.

I have a musician friend who likes to say that he is playing drums for God. Well, I think that he is playing drums with God. I love listening to him/them play. Moreover, I’m going to use this idea to benefit my own musicianship.

I play French horn with the OU Civic Orchestra in Norman. We have a concert performance tomorrow. Unfortunately, I have always struggled with stage fright. In past concerts my nerves would generally cause me to miss some notes. Then I would feel bad for not playing my best instead of taking pleasure in the group’s accomplishment. I intend to focus on my Oneness tomorrow and let go of that which doesn’t serve (nerves). I AM an excellent French horn player and tomorrow I AM going to celebrate my oneness with God through music.

Now I ask, how are you going to employ that Oneness Superpower in your life?


Rene Holubec

Unity Prayer Chaplain Team


Mountain Mover No.1 . . . By Charles Roth


As we tread our individual paths through life we are sometimes diverted into side-roads where we feel lost and confused.  We seek the advice of others, or we sit and “stew”, mentally sketching images of failure and defeat.  “If only I knew,” we cry.  “If only” is the hallmark of the confused, bewildered human mind.


In Truth we are training ourselves to step out of the “if only” consciousness, and into the security of the Christ Light.  You may seem to be in a tunnel of darkness, unable to see your next step.  But every tunnel has an end and if you look with your heart you shall “see” that Light which signifies hope and victory.  It may be only a pin-point of light at first; but it will grow as you keep your vision centered on the Christ within you.  Say the following prayer statement to yourself until you get the “feel” of it and then speak it aloud—quietly, but with conviction and faith:


I Turn to the Christ Within and

I am Inspired and Guided to the right outcome


.  .  .  I am a spiritual being, one with the Mind of God in which resides all wisdom.  Just as a lost and bewildered child turns to his parent for guidance when faced with a new and baffling experience; so I turn eagerly and trustingly to the Father within. Through the Christ in me, the Father’s Image-like-ness, I receive new confidence, new understanding and new strength.  Inspiration floods my mind and I know what to do.

Will You join Us In A Time of Prayer? Visioning A World Filled with Peace and Love and Goodness!

 May 26th at 12:45 pm

Ever Thought about Being the Way of Love,


By becoming a Prayer Chaplain and opening your heart to allow the voice of the Divine to flow through you out to others.  Have you ever thought about being a conduit of the Healing Force of the universe allowing the Living Waters to wash over your being and flow out to others? To learn more about being a Prayer Chaplain and allowing the healing Presence to flow through you and out to others, speak to Rene Holubec or RevDoc Patrick about what you might need to do and when the next training will be.

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