Energetic Patterning and Clinical Application Healing Touch II Workshop

Energetic Patterning and Clinical Application Healing Touch II Workshop

Friday June 14th and Saturday June 15th   8:30-6

Healing Touch is a nurturing and heart-centered energy healing therapy. ht 3Gentle touch assists in balancing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. The goal in Healing Touch is to restore harmony and balance, to support the body’s natural healing ability. It is safe for all ages and works in harmony and collaboration with standard medical care. Healing Touch is used in a wide variety of settings including hospitals, long term care facilities, private practices, hospices and spas and is taught in universities, medical and nursing schools and other settings.    


Course Description: The skill of completing an intake interview that identifies patterns for which HT techniques may be useful in assisting a patient to re-pattern their energy field is acquired. Healing Touch techniques learned in the Foundation course are integrated into applications that assist in re-patterning spinal health, and progresses in to a deeper level to assist the patient in expanding their heart energy. A Prerequisite for this workshop is the completion of Foundations of Healing Touch


hbbInterested in learning more about the body’s energy system along with some healing techniques that can be used on yourself, family members and others. Then please join us. For more information about Healing Touch, you can go to http://www.healingbeyondborders.org/


The instructor, Carol Hjersted-Smith, RN, CHTP/I, HNB-BC, is a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner and Instructor and a Certified Holistic Nurse.  She is co-founder of Integrative Healing Arts, LLC, and Healing Touch Oklahoma, dedicated to providing holistic education to our community. As an Instructor of the Healing Beyond Borders HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program and Carol has the right to use the intellectual property of the Healing Beyond Borders HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program Course of Study.

The class will be taught on a “Love Offering Basis” (the recommended course investment is $275, but no one will be turned away, pay what you can)  so we ask you to give from your heart and ask how your soul is being nourished by the spiritual wisdom you are receiving.  For more information or to enroll, contact Rev. Patrick at 789-2424 or unityslc@msn.com,

This Healing Touch II workshop will be held at

Unity Spiritual Life Center

5603 NW 41st Street, Oklahoma City, 405-789-2424 /unityslc@msn.com


Please mark this amazing Healing Touch Workshop on your calendar and spread the word.  More extensive Brochures about the Foundation of Healing Touch HT1 Certificate in Program are in the foyer