Did you hear a song during Sunday service that you really liked? Looking for the lyrics, or wondering who wrote it, or how you can get a copy of it?

You're in the right place!

Following is a list of many of the songs we do at Unity Spiritual Life Center of Oklahoma City, complete with artist name and website. Thank you so much for supporting the artists who so wonderfully support our community!

Click on the artist's name to go to their website, where you can find out more about the artist and their music, including how to purchase it.

Please note: If the title of a song is not linked, it means that we have not obtained permission yet to reproduce the lyrics and the author has not posted the lyrics on their own site.

Artist (click name for website) Title (click title for lyrics) Link to Recording (if available)
Daniel Nahmod  
Michael Gott
A Light In The World
Come Together (with Lainey Bernstein)
I Will Be
In The Heart Of God
There Is Only Love
Karen Drucker
Rickie Byars Beckwith
Pour Yourself In Me
I'm Choosing Heaven Today
I Feel The Spirit
Cliff Rubin Affirmation Rock  
Eddie Watkins, Jr.  
Jan Garrett & JD Martin Living In The Heart of God   
Andy Grall
Chad Slagle


Forgive Me

A Little Change

A Greater Reality

Can You Feel My Joy

In the Presence of Presence

The Window

Jana Stanfield  
Peter Mayer Holy Now Holy Now (YouTube)