Prayer Chaplain Corner

Prayer Chaplain Corner


Greetings from your Prayer Chaplain Team



I continue to be honored to serve on the Unity OKC prayer chaplain team. Each and every day I am blessed beyond measure by the gifts each of you are to my spiritual community. Know that I always hold you high in thought, seeing you filled with joy, love, wellness and prosperity.


This past month has been very hectic for me, and filled with blessings beyond my wildest dreams. Having great joy and a fulfilling life is a real gift, and I am grateful, grateful, grateful. 


Have you ever had times, though, in your life, that despite great satisfaction, you recognized the need to do even more inside spiritual work? While I was deep in the state of joy and love, I still had a twinge of negativity that kept coming up. I found within myself a place where I was holding back love. This negativity was expressing loud and clear as unforgiveness


Now I have always found forgiveness to be hard work, with the struggle to understand, and the sacrifices to be made, and even humiliation if I didn't get it right. The fight within myself (the ego and the I AM part of me) seemed impossible, and I just wanted to have the joy and the love, not the struggle to forgive! I couldn't lift up and above it, and ego continued to jab at me, sparking hard-heartedness, even anger at times.


Finally I gave in to that Universal Power that always says yes to my word, and I took an honest look at myself. After an ego talk, I resolved to relax into the power of the Universe. Then finally, at last, some answers began to become clearer. 


Here is what I think I am learning:

1. Forgiveness is not hard, but it does take a shift in thinking away from blame. You can't blame anyone, not even yourself. This is a process of letting go. Only let go. Turn away from the situation.

2. Stop trying to understand. Let's admit it, there are always going to be some things that we will never understand. 

3. Stop considering the things you will lose if you forgive and let go. Just let it all go. Don't worry about your "losses". Instead, just lightly focus on your one day at a time love and joy.

4. Find a light hearted forgiveness meditation routine and follow it religiously, maybe even for years. Do not look back as you do this, only forward. Don't think of the situation or the people involved. Let your energy draw forward instead. Open a little at a time to let love seep into the cracks.

5. Do not look back on old hurts, don't dredge it up again. Don't replay old tapes, only look forward. 


Some tough forgiveness cases may require more stringent and aggressive forgiveness work. There are many programs available to access, many are free. 

Let me know how it goes.

Namaste!  Dana



A Poem by Schuyler Cronley

Christ of Galilee


In the ever-radiating Presence of a power I cannot see;

I can feel the Christly essence of the man of Galilee.


His cloak is ‘round about me, his words clearly in my ears;

No longer do I fear the tempest, nor the passing of the years.

The loving truth he taught me will forever be my guide;

I shall no longer stumble upon the path at eventide.


For the ever-radiating presence of this power I cannot see;

Holds me safely and securely, O blessed Christ of Galilee.



Notes From a Skylark, By Schuyler Cronley

Who Do You Think You Are?


Many people have asked this question of one another a great many times and received many varied answers. If you want a real “Stumper” answer to this question the next time someone asks it of you, you could say, “I am a son of God” – Of course, there is only one catch to that, and that is that you have to live and act like one to prove it.


What Do You Have To Lose?


A short time ago in our newspapers, there was the story of a young woman who was told that, if after being hypnotized, she could arise from her chair and walk over to a small table and pick up a large sum of money lying there, she could have the money for her own. She was not able to do this, and of course she did not receive the money. Someone asked her how it felt to lose such a large sum of money, to which she replied, “It was not mine to lose!”


This is an old principle of Truth, but it bears much repetition and re-emphasis in our daily living. Nothing is really man’s in this world to lose, but he has everything to gain, provided he seeks such things for the purpose of using them with the knowledge that they are not his to lose and that his acquirement of them is not his gain, but God’s, who gave them. Even man’s life is not his to lose – that’s the reason Jesus Christ tried so hard to get man to do the things with his life and his body that would honor God and preserve life.

Ever Thought about Being the Way of Love,


By becoming a Prayer Chaplain and opening your heart to allow the voice of the Divine to flow through you out to others.  Have you ever thought about being a conduit of the Healing Force of the universe allowing the Living Waters to wash over your being and flow out to others? To learn more about being a Prayer Chaplain and allowing the healing Presence to flow through you and out to others, speak to Rene Holubec or RevDoc Patrick about what you might need to do and when the next training will be.

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